Monday, March 7, 2011

Talking on the Cell Phone and Driving

Talking on the Cell Phone and Driving

  • Those talking on cell phones were 9 percent slower to hit the brakes when necessary
  • 2,600 people are killed each year in accidents involving drivers on cell phones

  • 5.36 times more likely to get in an accident than non-distracted drivers
  • Four times as likely  to cause an accident as other drivers

    "We found that people are as impaired when they drive and talk on a cell phone as they are whentheydrive intoxicated at the legal blood-alcohol limit," said Frank Drew

    "We have seen again and again that there is no difference between
    hands-free and hand-held devices," Drews said. "The problem is the
    conversation," he added.


    1. I've been in an accident where the driver was texting and driving. It wasn't a bad accident, but the driver still should have been paying more attention to the road rather than what was in their hand (their cellphone).

    2. Talking on your cell phone while driving is a bad idea but most people do similar things like that all the time. A lot of people only drive with one hand anyways so holding a cell phone really wouldn't make a difference, also people are always talking to other people in the car with them. So in this sense it's pretty much the same thing as talking on your cell phone while driving. So it doesn't make sense for it to be illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving unless they plan on making it illegal to talk to the person in your car and to have to use two hands while driving.

    3. I'v passed many drivers that have been so occupied by their phone, that you could just tell that they had no idea of what was going on in the road ahead of them. This is a great topic and really needs to be addressed.

    4. I see people talking on the phone and driving all the time. The laws passed haven't really affected it, especially since it's a second offense if you get pulled over. But there are many instances where I've almost gotten into an accident because someone was talking and not paying attention.
