Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Applying Makeup When Driving

Applying Makeup When Driving

  • Estimated one in five women drivers admits to retouching their makeup on the go, which translates into half a million cashes caused by them on the roads
  • Three per cent of women admitted causing a collision when distracted by applying cosmetics
  • Women applying makeup at the wheel are responsible for half a million road crashes 
  • Women who choose to concentrate on their makeup instead of the road ahead are also liable to be charged with careless driving if a police officer sees them

 “It should go without saying that applying make-up while driving is a dangerous thing to do. Driving requires concentration and even a momentary lapse could turn a near-miss into a serious or even fatal accident. Commonsense says apply make-up before or after driving.”
- Kevin Clinton



  1. I agree with this topic that putting on make-up while driving is one of the main reasons collisons happen. All your information was well put together. Good Job!

  2. its a shame but some people decide to do some stupid stuff while operating machinery or driving in this case

  3. I don't think that I would be able to put my makeup on while I was driving. I don't understand how people can concentrate on so many different things. Great blog Kell ;)
