Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving
"Stay Alert, Arrive Alive"

  • Vehicles in which the driver was accompanied by a passenger were nearly 50 percent less likely to be involved in a drowsy driving related crash.
  • More than half (55%) of those drivers who reported having fallen asleep while driving in the past year said that it occurred on a high-speed divided highway.
  • More than half (59%) of those drivers who reported having fallen asleep while driving in the past year said they had been driving for less than an hour before falling asleep; 
  • Only one in five reported they had been driving for three hours or longer.  
  • More than one in four drivers (26%) who reported having fallen asleep while driving in the past year reported that it had occurred between noon and 5 p.m.

Men (52%) were much more likely than women (30%) to report having ever fallen asleep while driving; men (14%) were also more likely than women (8%) to admit having done so in the past year.



  1. I think that sleeping and driving is very dangerous. There are so many people out there who fall asleep and drive, and it is a very important topic. I like your blog you have alot of good information and very good pictures.

  2. I was in an accident where the driver fell asleep, luckily no one got seriously injured. I think that this is very dangerous and people should ask them self if they are too tired to drive before they get behind the wheel.

  3. This happened to me when I was in sixth grade. The driver was asleep. I agree with Amanda that sleeping and driving is very dangerous.

  4. really good info in this article especially the facts you put in it. for instance the percentages that is how people can see for sure how big the problem is good work :)
